Intellectual Formation

          The Program of Priestly Formation, Sixth Edition, explains that the academic component of intellectual formation in the College Seminary has a twofold purpose: “a broad grasp of the liberal arts and sciences, and particular knowledge of philosophy” (PPF6, no. 272).

          In the Propaedeutic Stage at Cardinal Glennon College, seminarians will pursue a limited and targeted study of the liberal arts (cf. PPF6, no. 129-130). “A sound liberal arts education for seminarians provides multiple benefits. The study of the natural world and of humanity in all its historical and cultural diversity represents a significant value in its own right” (PPF6, no. 274). Additionally, during this stage, seminarians will “acquire an initial and overall familiarity with Christian doctrine by studying the ‘Catechism of the Catholic Church’” (RF, no. 59). “Teaching new seminarians the basics of priestly identity and spirituality is also a chief aim of the intellectual formation of this stage. Seminarians should obtain an introductory knowledge of the Bible that equips them to thoughtfully read and pray with Sacred Scripture. Training in intercultural competency, including beginning to learn a new language to meet the pastoral needs of the diocese, should be included in the intellectual formation of seminarians” (PPF6, no. 268).

          “All seminarians in the Discipleship Stage study philosophy. […] The study of philosophy is central to the intellectual formation of seminarians” (PPF6, no. 278). “The particular focus of intellectual formation, as well as the other dimensions of formation during this period, is to help the seminarian deepen his identity as a disciple of Jesus Christ” (PPF6, no. 279). “It is essential that seminarians develop an understanding of the relationship between faith and reason and of the relationship and interaction between philosophy and theology, especially the ways they mutually enrich one another” (PPF6, no. 280).

          Cardinal Glennon College enjoys a collaborative model of intellectual formation with Saint Louis University’s College of Philosophy and Letters. Seminarians at Cardinal Glennon College pursue a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Philosophy for Ministry through Saint Louis University. The courses taken through Saint Louis University comprise the major portion of the college seminarian’s intellectual formation. Specific policies for academic classes, then, are set by Saint Louis University. In addition, the broader context of intellectual formation for seminarians is clearly set by the vision of the Program of Priestly Formation of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Curriculum Overview

Course Descriptions

Academic Policies

Outcomes and Assessment

Cardinal Glennon College In-House Class Schedule