Intellectual Formation

Intellectual Formation is centered on deepening each candidate’s knowledge of the Divine Mysteries of the Catholic Faith through a systematic, organic, and dynamically orthodox method of Catholic philosophy and theology. Acquiring a knowledge of Jesus Christ through personal encounter and study, the seminarian will be ready to share and teach the Catholic Faith for the salvation of his brothers and sisters. (Kenrick-Glennon Mission)

Activities of the Intellectual Formation Program

The intellectual formation program begins with foundational courses in scripture, patristics, and systematic, moral, sacramental, and liturgical theology: Pentateuch, Synoptic Gospels and Acts, Patristics, Fundamental Theology, Anthropology Sin and Grace, Triune God, Christology, Fundamental Moral Theology, and introductory courses in Sacramental and Liturgical Theology. These courses are required for all seminarians as part of the curriculum for ordination but they may also count toward the optional M.A. in Theology if accompanied by successful completion of a Masters Thesis.(See MA Curriculum for details)

All seminarians are enrolled in the Master of Divinity which builds on the foundational courses listed above with further specialized and applied studies in Scripture,  Systematic, Moral, and Sacramental-Liturgical Theology, Church History and courses in pastoral theology covering such areas as homiletics, canon law, pastoral counseling and supervised ministry. The Master of Divinity includes a one year language requirement (Latin or Greek) and a final comprehensive oral exam. (See Master of Divinity Curriculum for details).

Goals of Intellectual Formation

  1. Love for truth as discovered by faith and reason;
  2. Fidelity to the word of God and to the Magisterium;
  3. Knowledge of Catholic Doctrine and adherence to it;
  4. Interest and diligence in seminary studies;
  5. Successful completion of seminary academic requirements;
  6. Ability to exercise the ministry of the Word: to proclaim, explain, and defend the faith; and
  7. Knowledge of languages that will be necessary or suitable for the exercise of their pastoral ministry.
  8. Focused study in:
    1. Sacred Scripture
    2. Systematic Theology
    3. Church History
    4. Liturgy-Sacraments
    5. Moral Theology
    6. Pastoral Studies